High-Performance SBOM Analysis Tools
Graph millions of SBOMs in an air-gapped environment
Insainly Fast and Scalable
Graph millions of SBOMs with Minefield in seconds.
Fully Air-Gapped
Fully air-gapped and secure allowing for integration with existing enterprise security policies.
Understand Your Software
Generate insights from your SBOMs with advanced querying.
Find your deepest and darkest secrets in you software supply chain
Find all the vulnerabilities in your software supply chain
Easily ingest and query vulnerabilities in your software supply chain

Recent blog posts
We are regularly writing blog posts and publish guides. Find our latest blog posts below.

Introducing Minefield's SQL Storage
What's new in Minefield's SQL Storage

Isolating and Fixing Vulnerabilities in an Air-Gapped Environment
How we isolated and fixed vulnerabilities in an air-gapped environment

How Minefield Enables Air-Gapped SBOM Vulnerability Graphing Like Git's Disconnected Mode
How Minefield Graphed Vulnerabilities in an Air-Gapped Environment